


  • DAAD participa de feiras de pós-graduação da QS

    O DAAD estará presente nas feiras QS Discover Master's, promovidas pela Quacquareli Symonds em São Paulo (01/02) e no Rio de Janeiro (04/02). A feira apresentará oportunidades de pós-graduação em diversos países, com palestras, estandes e espaço para networking. 

  • DAAD retoma série sobre universidades alemãs

    Conheça universidades e cursos na Alemanha com a série "Meet the German Higher Education Institutions"! Representantes de universidades alemãs apresentam seus programas ao público brasileiro em encontros online em inglês. Faça sua inscrição e saiba tudo sobre a instituição onde deseja estudar ou pesquisar!

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  • DAAD realiza evento presencial sobre estudos e pesquisa na Alemanha

    Em mais uma edição do Dia de Portas Abertas DAAD Brasil receberemos o público em nossa sede no Rio de Janeiro com uma série de atividades sobre estudos e pesquisa na Alemanha. Neste ano, o evento será realizado no dia 06/06, das 13h às 19h, e terá palestras, workshops, espaço para networking e atendimento nos estandes do DAAD e de seis instituições alemãs parceiras. Inscreva-se!

  • Study in Europe Road Show leva palestras a seis cidades brasileiras

    O Study in Europe Road Show está de volta para levar informações sobre oportunidades de estudo e pesquisa na Europa a seis cidades brasileiras. Entre 25/04 e 104/05/2024, o Serviço Alemão de Intercâmbio Acadêmico (DAAD) e várias agências parceiras promovem uma série de feiras e palestras gratuitas em universidades brasileiras, além de oferecer um dia online para alcançar o Brasil todo!

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  • DAAD e universidades alemãs participam de feiras informativas em março

    O DAAD participará das feiras de São Paulo (16 e 17/03) e do Rio de Janeiro (19 e 20/03) do evento Salão do Estudante. Em São Paulo, ainda estarão presentes representantes de 12 instituições de ensino superior alemãs. A delegação participará de um evento de matchmaking online, no qual o público poderá agendar atendimentos individuais.

  • Jornada de literatura de expressão alemã na USP

    Nos dias 14, 16 e 17 de novembro acontecerá na Universidade de São Paulo (USP) e no Goethe-Institut São Paulo o evento "Jornada de literatura de expressão alemã - sobreposições e articulações: literatura, mídia e tradução em sociedades complexas". Confira a programação completa!

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  • Cátedra Martius promove Simpósio Internacional Leituras de Sedimentos

    Nos dias 6 e 7 de outubro, acontecerá em São Paulo o simpósio internacional "Leituras de Sedimentos", evento organizado pela professora catedrática Dra. Laura Kemmer, responsável pela Cátedra Martius Alemanha-Brasil de Humanidades e Sustentabilidade, e parceiros.

  • Dia da Alemanha na USP São Carlos

    No dia 10/05, das 12h às 15h, acontecerá o Dia da Alemanha na USP São Carlos. Com foco nas opções de estudo e pesquisa na Alemanha, o evento contará com palestras, aulas experimentais de alemão, sorteio de bolsas, brindes e muito mais! Estarão presentes agências de fomento e universidades alemãs. Confira a programação completa!

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  • Evento na UFABC reúne universidades e agências alemãs

    No dia 30/03, das 12h às 14h30, será realizado o Dia da Alemanha na Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC). Aberto ao público, o evento informativo terá a participação do DAAD, DWIH São Paulo, 12 universidades alemãs e seis instituições de pesquisa e ensino. Confira a programação!

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Anúncios de universidades alemãs


Advance your career with an MBA from Pforzheim University, one of the ...

The full-time MBA in International Management at Pforzheim University combines a classical management education with the most relevant future topics: Innovation & Digital Business, Sustainable Global...


Professional Master of Public Policy (MPP): Shape solutions for global...

Shape solutions for global policy challenges: A master’s program designed for young professionals.


Hands-on Master’s programs at Hof University Graduate School

Boost your career with our practical M.B.A. and M.Eng. programs, including a one-year industry internship to gain real-world experience!


Study in Berlin - MBA & International Master’s Programmes

Study management in English. Improve your leadership skills. Gain digital know-how. Become part of an international student body. Benefit from many corporate activities, valuable career consultation a...


The University of Mannheim – your gateway to the world!

The University of Mannheim offers the perfect combination of top-ranked degree programs, international flair, and an ideal learning environment, right in the heart of Europe.


Transform tomorrow: Advance your tech skills for a sustainable world

Become a tech expert! Study at TU Ilmenau in the center of Germany: Bachelor and Master programs of Science – designed for real-world impact


MBA & Engineering in Life Science Management Programme

Internationally accredited MBA&E providing life science expertise required in leaders of the future combining comprehensive, industry-specific knowledge and management skills.

RheinMain University of Applied Sciences

PreStudyING@HSRM: Your Pathway to an Engineering Degree!

Ready to get your engineering degree? You can get started with us, even if you don’t meet the usual admission requirements for German universities!


FH Wedel: Master IT Engineering – Study in English, Work in Germany

Study in English at FH Wedel, near Hamburg. Specialize in IT & Security or Smart Manufacturing, gain hands-on industry experience, and prepare for a career in Germany!


Executive M.Sc. in Energy, Mobility, Production, Product Innovation, F...

Boost your career with an industry-oriented M. Sc. in Renewable Energies, Digital Transformation, Global Production, Innovation, Finance or Mobility. Taught in English in Germany!


Get a truly international education!

Are you looking to study at a German university that will launch your international career? Join us at ESB Business School for a top-tier education!


Technical Engineering (B.Eng.): Start your career by studying at OTH A...

Would you like to pursue a career as an engineer? OTH Amberg-Weiden offers you the best opportunity to obtain a Bachelor of Engineering degree at a leading German university.


Your Future in Engineering Begins at Carl Benz School!

Your path to success starts here! Study Mechanical Engineering at Carl Benz School, KIT with English-taught courses & tailored support


Apply now for the Master’s program in European and International Law (...

Boost your career now and study European & International Law together with students from more than 30 countries.

TU Dortmund

Master of Science in Manufacturing Technology (M.Sc.)

Boost your engineering career by studying Manufacturing in Germany, one of the top Manufacturing nations worldwide! Apply from Feb 1st – Mar 15th at TU Dortmund University. No tuition fees.


Boost your career with the International Master‘s in Project Managemen...

Boost your career. Acquire a German Master’s degree in Data Science & Project Management. Join us at HTW Berlin – On Campus or Online!


English-taught Bachelor’s and Master’s programs at Hof University

Shape your future with our career-focused Bachelor’s and Master’s programs in English, featuring hands-on learning, internships, and strong industry connections!


Professional IT Business & Digitalization Master

Looking to boost your IT career? Discover the international Master’s program in Professional IT Business & Digitalization at HTW Berlin!


Shape Future Transport with Sustainable Mobility MBA

Transform transport! Study the Sustainable Mobility MBA in Berlin and gain the skills to create innovative, sustainable solutions for the future while boosting your career!

Aalen University of Applied Sciences

Welcome to Aalen University of Applied Sciences!

Foreign students are guaranteed the chance to gain excellent practical experience in the industry, which commonly is the start of a successful career.


English-taught Master Programmes in Green and Information Technologies

Study innovative, future- and practice-oriented engineering Master’s programmes in central Germany!

Coburg University (Bavaria) - Financial Management

Kick-start your future career in Financial Management!

If you are interested in management and finance our premium MBA program Financial Management with an optional Dual Degree from UniSC Australia and a Bloomberg Lab could be just right for you!



Captura de tela do mapa com indicação da localização do DAAD